Do you live in Winnipeg or the surrounding area?

Do you enjoy messing with old, obsolete, or classic computers?

Do you have a willingness to learn and share what you know?

Are you free one night every two weeks?

    If so, why not join the Thugs?

We're always willing to take on new recruits, to share what we know and to possibly learn a few things in the process...

So if you have an interest in older hardware, want to revive fond memories of an old computer system, or want to find out first hand exactly what the Hell's wrong with us, feel free to email CJ at:

for details.

The Thugs are a platform-independant group, so anyone with ANY old computer (from an old Altair or TRS-80 up to second-generation Pentium systems) are welcome, regardless of experience.  However, Windows users may be singled out for ridicule ;)

Oh yeah, did I mention membership is absolutely FREE?

Really! No membership dues, equipment/lab fees, NOTHING!

(Of course, if you want to GIVE us money, that's perfectly acceptable!)