Welcome to Slam's Equipment Locker
Amiga 500
- Commodore Amiga 500
- Stock Amiga 500 "Rock Lobster" Rev 5 board
- Stock CBM A501 1/2 Mb Ramboard
- RomSwitcher II Kickstart Switcher with 1.3 & 2.05
Amiga 1200
- Commodore Amiga 1200
- External 3.5" Drive Enclosure with 512 Quantum HD
- 68030 Accelerator (Still pending identification)
- Professional Package
- AmiTRIX SCSI-TV (looking for internal 2.5 SCSI HD)
- Romswitcher with factory 1.3 and 2.05 Rom, pending developer roms for full CD access
Personal Iris 4D/20
- $6 USD Chair, currently part of the OS project.
- Can I overcome the PROM cdrom support problems and install IRIX 5.3 on this system?
SGI Indigo2 Purple
- SGI Indigo2 Extreme
- 2GB 3.5 Seagate on 5.25" tray with IRIX 5.3
- 4GB 3.5 Seagate on 3.5" tray with IRIX 6.2
- 17" Rebranded Sony SGI Monitor (GDM-17E11)
SGI Indigo2 Teal
- Toshiba CDRom on 5.25" tray
- Purchased for Parts for my Indigo2 Extreme
SGI Indy
- Recent acquisition came with the IPC
- Recent acquisition came with the INDY
- Had the dreaded dead NVRAM chip, depending on the new systems
- may still be used as a firewall or server for one of our subsystems.
Sega Dreamcast (Stock Unit)
- 2x Sega Controllers
- 3x Sega VMU
- Sega Keyboard
- Why would I have it? Hmmm... Well I must say it sums up our philosophy
- A linux box on a video game console with built-in modem? Why not!
Macintosh SE
- SE PDS Micromac Performer 16mhz Accelerator and FPU
- 40 Mb HD and 4 MB System RAM
- Purchase price: $11.98 CDN
- My latest computer
- Yet another computer I couldn't refuse because of the price.
IBM Compatibles
Current systems include
- 486DX 33 (Dos 6.2 system for flashing ISA cards, and low level formating/interleaving older drives
- AST Manhattan Server, currently the SCSI Server and potential multi OS system.
- AMD K6 350 Pentium with MPEG 1 Capture board for general purposes and 'net access.
- Pentium III 600, backup system, for Homepage updates and storage, and work related needs
- AMD K7 1200 Pentium, primary system, same as secondary
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Last Update April 11th, 2004