Console DUART test                      PASSED
Memory walking bit test                 PASSED
Memory address uniqueness test          PASSED
Interrupt mask registers test           PASSED
Graphics subsystem test                 PASSED
System Maintenance Menu

1) Start System
2) Install System Software
3) Run Diagnostics
4) Recover System
5) Enter Command Monitor

Option? 5

Command Monitor.  Type "exit" to return to the menu. 
>> hinv

          Memory size: 16 Mbytes
Instruction cache size: 64 Kbytes
       Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
             CPU board: IP6 12 MHZ
         System option: Floating Point Processor
         System option: Medium Resolution Monitor
              Graphics: GR1.2
             SCSI Disk: dksc(0,1)                      **** First HD ****
             SCSI Disk: dksc(0,4)                      **** CDROM ****

>> boot -f dksc(0,4,8)sash.IP6 [CR or Return]

151488+51888+505776 entry: 0x80700cb0
Standalone Shell SGI Version 5.3 IP6  Nov  3, 1994 (BE)
>> sash: dksc(0,4,7)/stand/fx.IP6 [CR or Return]        **** first pass through fx ****

217760+96176+2924640 entry: 0x80054780
Currently in safe read-only mode.
Do you require extended mode with all options available? (no)  [CR or Return]

SGI Version 5.3 IP6 Oct 31, 1994
fx: "device-name" = (dksc) [CR or Return]

fx: ctlr# = (0) [CR or Return]

fx: drive# = (1) [CR or Return]

...opening dksc(0,1,)
dks0d1s10: volume header not valid
...controller test...OK
fx: Warning:  invalid label on disk, ignored
Scsi drive type == QUANTUM LPS525S         3110
...creating default bootinfo
...creating default partitions
...creating default volume directory

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t               [d]ebug/             [l]abel/
[b]adblock/          [exe]rcise/          [r]epartition/
fx> l  [CR or Return]

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[sh]ow/         [sy]nc          [se]t/          [c]reate/
fx/label> c  [CR or Return]

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[p]artitions   [s]giinfo      [b]ootinfo     [d]irectory    [a]ll
fx/label/create> a   [CR or Return]

...creating default bootinfo
...creating default partitions
...creating default sgiinfo
...creating default volume directory

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[p]artitions   [s]giinfo      [b]ootinfo     [d]irectory    [a]ll
fx/label/create> ..  [CR or Return]

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[sh]ow/         [sy]nc          [se]t/          [c]reate/
fx/label> ..   [CR or Return]

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t               [d]ebug/             [l]abel/
[b]adblock/          [exe]rcise/          [r]epartition/
fx> exi  [CR or Return]
label info has changed for disk dksc(0,1,).  write out changes? (yes) yes